Friday, July 31, 2020

Really, I dont feel like thinking of a title right now

Really, I don’t feel like thinking of a title right now As much as I hate Twitter, I think Im going to follow the trend of micro-blogging that has apparently hit MIT Admissions this week. See, Im hosed beyond all imagining, but as its basically my LAST WEEK AT MIT (?#@^*!!!), all kinds of awesome and interesting things are going on which will not be nearly as cool when blogged about after the fact. (By the way, I probably have a dozen blog entries that Ive planned and never written, and about 3 weeks between the time Im done with work and officially graduate and should probably stop blogging sobe prepared for that.) So, Ill sell my soul a little and turn this entry into a what is basically a Twitter feed. I hope you appreciate the enormity of this sacrifice of dignity. I do it all for you, dear readers. So, entry number 1! Friday May 1, 2009. 11:37 PM I just created the following page according to these strict guidelines: Yikes! This is crazy! (See any typos? Please, tell me! =P) Saturday, May 2. 12:02 PM Im in D-Lab right now (it occurs to me that I should post some pictures of this place later) and just ran into Jodie 09. Jodie and I go way back- we were almost temporary roommates. We found each other online and chatted a little before getting to MIT. By the time we actually got to campus, my rooming assignment had been switched (I was in a single, which actually really sucked for Orientation), so we never even ended up rooming together. When I got to campus I stopped by her room to say hi so we could finally meet in real life. We havent even really hung out after that, but we sort of smile and wave when we see each other. Anyway, Jodie is running around D-Lab stressing about her thesis, which is basically exactly what Im doing, so we shared our misery for a few minutes. I cant help but think back to the first and only other real conversation we had- our first day on campus, trying to figure out where the laundry room in the dorm was. Crazy how things come full circle, isnt it? Thursday, May 7. 7:52 PM Hey look, its me, on Youtube!!! Sunday, May 7. 5:38 PM I cant believe the end is so closeIm sitting in LMP (Lab for Manufacturing and Productivity) right now, trying to finish this thesis. Basically its a MechE computer lab that has been functioning as Thesis HQ for the last few days. Adelaide and I have been here for hours and hours, maybe days, maybe weeks, I dont even know anymore. There have been quite a few other people hanging out too, and we all immediately knew that we were all there for the same reason. I mean, if you didnt have a thesis to do in order to graduate, would you be in LMP at 3 AM on Sunday morning? Adelaide is really cute when shes sleep-deprived and thesising (now a verb). (The thing shes holding is the second prototype of the Braille Label Maker, her 2.009-turned-thesis project which has been owning at life lately and winning tons of awardsmore about that when I can give it the attention it deserves) Weve been bonding with the other Course 2 seniors, sharing junk food and caffeine, and repeating our new mottos: D is for diploma. Mystery Hunt Fun = Thesis I didnt pay for it, its not my explosion. (Yeah, I dont know where that one came from either, were all a little sleep-deprived over here) But Im making good progress here! I just made the following prettyful diagram: On to the editing Monday, May 11. 5:33 PM My thesis is done. Its printed on fancy special paper and turned into the undergraduate office. I had about 3 seconds to enjoy the relief from that moment before I headed over to the Rotch library to meet with a partner to finish writing a final report thats due tomorrow. I have barely slept, my brain is completely liquid, I havent had a real meal in days (I pretty much made a dinner out of Sun Chips and pineapple soda the other night), I feel like absolute crap, and this is absolutely the last thing Id like to be doing right now. Im actually pretty miserable at the moment. Even down to the bitter end, MIT enjoys beating you down and destroying your soul. Right now, IHTFP is feeling pretty one-sided

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